Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

The Role of Leadership

The Role of Leadership

Q Questions: 1. What are some of the fundamental reasons we see police officers engage in misconduct? Why are these ethical violations so serious and how do they impact their relationship with the community? Fully explain and support your answer. 2. The use of force, i.e., when force should be used and in what manner, by law enforcement is constantly an issue for debate. With that, explain your view on the use of force by police. As part of the response give a situation (real or hypothetical) that illustrates your view. Be careful to fully explain and support your answer.

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1. Police officers are engaged in different kind of misconduct for several reasons, the police are expected to hold a higher standard in the law enforcement than the normal citizens for their process of work. Police misconduct can be scrutinized by the media or public. With the constant development of technology, there is no scope to hide the misconduct of the police. The information regarding shootings, arrests and other official activities can be traced through modern technology (Eitle et al. 2014).